
Chinese Language Support for Non-Chinese Speakers



Presently our school has 11 Non-Chinese Speakers. To enrich their opportunities in learning and consolidating the Chinese Language, the school is making the following attempts: 

  1. 安排個別老師入班協助非華語學生上中文課,以加強非華語學生對課堂內容的掌握和理解,提升非華語學生的表達能力。

         Arranging an extra teacher to give individual support to Non-Chinese speaking students during Chinese Language lessons to reinforce their understanding and mastery of the lesson content, and to improve their ability in personal expression.



  1. 按學生能力和需要安排個別輔導課,以加強非華語學生聆聽、閱讀和溝通表達的能力。

         Arranging individual counselling lessons according to ability and personal needs, to improve Non-Chinese Speakers’ abilities in listening, reading, expressing and overall communication. 


    P:22_教務13_非華語非華語相片19-20相片IMG_3715.JPG    P:22_教務13_非華語非華語相片19-20相片非華語個別(侯)IMG_8061.JPG


  1. 安排「非華語小組」活動,藉分組及角色扮演活動提升學生的聆聽、理解、表達及認圖能力等。

         Arranging Non-Chinese Speakers group activity to enhance students’ abilities in listening, comprehension, expression and picture recognition. 


  1. 與非華語學生家長保持聯繫。

         To maintain liaison with Non-Chinese Speakers parents